Blue Flowers

Saturday, December 18, 2010

So you want to sleep now eh? fine... I see how it is!

So just a little update on how our new little family is doing:

Aleigha is doing really well.  She's been through a couple little growth spurts, and has been consistently inconsistent in when she wants to sleep.  Some days it's all night long, waking up once or twice every couple hours to eat, and sometimes she's been up all day and all night and then sleeps through the day... well finally, she decided last night was the night it was time to sleep for 6 hours straight through the night, and then wake up for 25 min to eat and then go back to sleep for 4 more hours! and yes, we did just finish finals... not like she could have slept through a whole night DURING finals week or anything... psh! I see how it is baby girl!

But other than Aleigha teasing her parents, everybody's doin great.  Aleigha is loving taking baths, and has started to show a lot more interest in the world around her, even if it is just a wall or a water bottle (it's kind of funny to see how fascinating a bottle is when it's in front of a set of scriptures, but when it's just in front of a boring window "psh! Mom, I'm hungry!!!")

Mommy and Daddy are doing pretty good as well and with a whole night's sleep under our belt, are feeling much more optimistic about things (although she did just sleep all day today too... haha we'll see how the next couple days work).  We're both done with finals and relieved to be able to just relax and spend some quality time with family, first to St George for Christmas and then New Years up here.

Most of all though, I look forward to just being able to relax and spend time with my girls, with nothing pressing or stressful to distract us :)

Anywhoo, Merry Christmas to everyone!  We'll let you know how ours goes next time! :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Welcome Aleigha Nicole!

We have a delightful new addition to our family, Aleigha Nicole Taylor was born December 2, 2010 at 8:16 pm in the American Fork Hospital. She weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and was 19 in long. She has a beautiful head of dark brown hair and is absolutely gorgeous! Our lives have been turned upside down, but we wouldn't have it any other way! It will be a huge relief once this week is over and all of our finals are out of the way then hopefully we will be able to settle in a little bit more. She is a joy to have in our home and a huge blessing in our lives!
One happy familia!

awww... our little lizzard... ;)

Proud daddy!

Well there's nothing in that plastic thing, let's see if I can get something out of this fist!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

SCHOOL!!! AAAAAGGGHHHHHHHH!!! juuust keeding :)

So school started Monday, and we drove home from New Mexico (for quite possibly the last time...) on Sunday, so there's been lots and lots of busy-ness going on, hence the delinquency in blogging, but we're back at it!

So like I said, school started on Monday, and we rolled out of the house at 750 in the am to get Ivy to her morning music class... wow that was an unpleasant shock! haha, But we survived the first day and even have been able to at least partially afford most of our books! (with help from et al) We're now starting to experience the life of married college students and are looking forward to the time when the "settling in" stage begins to set in... But until then, we're enjoying the ride.

I guess it also helps to ease the frustrations of college life when the financial aid you were counting on comes through :) one incredible blessing we have been given this semester has been a lot of unforeseen monetary blessings, helping us to be able (barely, but still able) to afford the expenses of college life and still be able to eat.  Thank the Lord for tithing!

Other than that, I think this is about the extent of our recent happenings, unless you count driving for 16 HOURS to Las Cruces through a snowstorm and frozen, invisible roads; planning, shopping for, decorating, making food/cakes for, and then attending our second reception all the week before school.  If you count all that as something worth writing about, then I guess a couple other things have happened since we blogged last.

Beyond that, I'm pretty sure not much else has happened.  So if anybody has any fun ideas for things we could do to make our blog more interesting and exciting to read (excluding anything to do with hospitals or massive auto insurance claims) that would be great :) if not, then this is pretty much all you're getting for a while until we become exciting people... good luck! :)
