Blue Flowers

Saturday, September 29, 2012


I would attempt to play catch up for the last 7 months but just like in journal writing I know that it is nearly impossible to do it justice and not decide to quit entirely, so we will just pick up here and hopefully I can do better at updating. (I think I make that resolution every time I start a journal entry after a long break as well :S)

We are Loving Missouri!  Trevor is excelling in medical school and I am told weekly by other students and their wives that my husband is smart, but I knew that already of course.  I think that he is really enjoying it and this whole medical school experience already feels like it is flying by.

I get to watch my two favorite girls all day long and I wouldn't have it any other way.  The medical school here has a significant other group that provides a social outlet.  There are weekly get togethers for the kids at various parks and craft, sewing, reading, and cooking clubs that have monthly meetings for a chance to get out of the house for a bit.  We have met so many great people and are looking forward to getting to improve new friendships over the next two years.

Aleigha can almost simultaneously make me beyond frustrated and then laugh and smile the next minute.  She loves singing, especially songs that have actions with them, being outside, eating grapes, strawberries, and peanut butter.  Aleigha is probably the smartest little girl we know; she sings her ABC's, counts to ten, and amazes us daily by all of the little things that she picks up.  She loves her little sister and can't wait for her to get a little bigger so that they can play together.  Sophie is sleeping really well and getting bigger every day.  Her daddy gets all her smiling and cooing when he gets home in the evenings, she is a happy little girl and we are so blessed that she has joined our family.  

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